Results for 'Marjorie A. Cambre'

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  1.  14
    In Search of a Convivial Education: Does the Internet Measure up?Marjorie A. Cambre & Richard J. Reynolds - 1997 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 17 (5-6):275-282.
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    The predatory mite Metaseiulusoccidentalis: mitey small and mitey large genomes.Marjorie A. Hoy - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (5):581-590.
    Metaseiulus occidentalis is a representative of an important family of mites (Arthropoda: Chelicerata: Acari: Phytoseiidae) that are effective predators of pest mites in agricultural crops around the world. Like many arthropods, this mite contains multiple genomes, including the genomes of several microbial symbionts as well as its own mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The mitochondrial genome is “mitey” large at 25 kb, due to duplication and triplication of genes. By contrast, the nuclear genome is “mitey” small at 88 Mb. This mite (...)
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    Ethical Problems in End-of-Life Decisions for Elderly Norwegians.Marjorie A. Schaffer - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (2):242-257.
    Norwegian health professionals, elderly people and family members experience ethical problems involving end-of-life decision making for elders in the context of the values of Norwegian society. This study used ethical inquiry and qualitative methodology to conduct and analyze interviews carried out with 25 health professionals, six elderly people and five family members about the ethical problems they encountered in end-of-life decision making in Norway. All three participant groups experienced ethical problems involving the adequacy of health care for elderly Norwegians. Older (...)
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    The Relationship of Some Fourteenth-Century Commentaries on Valerius Maximus.Marjorie A. Berlincourt - 1972 - Mediaeval Studies 34 (1):361-387.
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    Gender Equality: A View from Beyond the ‘Glass Ceiling’1.Marjorie A. Lewis - 2017 - Feminist Theology 26 (1):101-109.
    Marjorie Lewis draws on her own experience of breaking through the glass ceiling to become the first woman President of the United Theological College of the West Indies. Through this, she considers the theological and biblical perspectives on gender equality, internalized and unrecognized inequality, naming and exorcising abuse in institutional relationships and strategies to survive and thrive. At the heart is a rejection of the notion that all suffering is to be embraced unchallenged as part of the Christian experience (...)
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    Kuhnian revolutions in biology: Peter Mitchell and the chemiosmotic theory.Marjori A. Matzke & Antonius J. M. Matzke - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (1):92-93.
  7.  25
    Dopaminergic influences beyond extraversion.Douglas Derryberry & Marjorie A. Reed - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):521-521.
    Studies of human performance indicate that extraverts show enhanced motivation in relation to reward signals, but not in relation to safety signals under defensive conditions. When it occurs under defensive conditions, enhanced motivation may be related to neuroticism. While extraverts show some attentional skills consistent with frontal dopaminergic facilitation, other frontal capacities may be related to conscientiousness. These findings suggest that dopaminergic influences on response and attentional processes may contribute to additional personality dimensions such as neuroticism and conscientiousness.
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    Amount of locus of choice as sources of motivation in paired-associate learning.Richard A. Monty, Marjorie A. Rosenberger & Lawrence C. Perlmuter - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (1):16.
  9.  27
    IRB Triage of Projects That Involve Medical Record Review.Robert Amdur, Marjorie A. Speers & Elizabeth Bankert - 2000 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 22 (1):4.
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    The Scandal of Reason: Or Shadow of God.David Frederick Haight & Marjorie A. Haight - 2004 - Upa.
    By turning the classical arguments for God's existence on their head, David and Marjorie Haight present original arguments for the existence of the devil in order to reveal a cosmic 'God beyond Goddiness' or the God beyond good and evil, which reconciles Divinity with its Shadow.
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    Cutaneous perception of heroin addicts: Evidence of an altered temporal process.Robert J. Hall, Marjorie A. Rosenberger & Richard A. Monty - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (5):352-354.
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    An Evaluation of Human Subjects Protection at CDC / ATSDR.John Santelli, Elizabeth Ginn & Marjorie A. Speers - 2000 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 22 (4):1.
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    Malebranche's First and Last Critics: Simon Foucher and Dortius de Mairan.Richard A. Watson & Marjorie Grene (eds.) - 1995 - Southern Illinois University.
    In this engrossing double volume, the work and thought of Nicolas Malebranche is examined through the eyes of Simon Foucher and Dortous de Mairan. Part 1 consists of Richard A. Watson’s translation of the first published critique, by Simon Foucher, of Malebranche’s main philosophical work, _Of the Search for the Truth. _In the second part, Marjorie Grene presents a meticulous translation of the long correspondence between Malebranche and Jean-Jacques Dortous de Mairan that ended shortly before Malebranche’s death. Both Watson (...)
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  14.  30
    Sample diversity and premise typicality in inductive reasoning: Evidence for developmental change.Marjorie Rhodes, Daniel Brickman & Susan A. Gelman - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):543-556.
  15. Approaches to a Philosophical Biology.Marjorie Grene - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (3):307-308.
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    The Intellectual Legacy of Victor and Edith Turner.Frank A. Salamone & Marjorie M. Snipes (eds.) - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    Contributors to this collection examine the Turners’ most important theoretical contributions to anthropology, from their work on pilgrimages, liminality, and communitas to insights from their fieldwork. They illustrate the Turners’ enduring theoretical contributions and their profound effects on the anthropological perspective.
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    C. A. Mace: Selected Papers.Antony Flew, C. A. Mace & Marjorie Mace - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (93):371.
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    Toys, Tools & Teachers: The Challenges of Technology.Marge Cambre & Mark Hawkes - 2004 - R&L Education.
    Cambre and Hawkes offer a framework for thinking about technology as it impacts teaching and learning today. We look at technology through a trifocal lense: technology as teaching aid, technology as threat, and technology as progress. We trace the evolution of school technology briefly, leading up to the computer as the point convergence. From the toys they play with to the tools they learn with, we see that students are bombarded with things technological. This mushrooming of technology and how (...)
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  19.  28
    The influence of linguistic form and causal explanations on the development of social essentialism.Josie Benitez, Rachel A. Leshin & Marjorie Rhodes - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):105246.
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  20.  15
    Infinite Awareness: The Awakening of a Scientific Mind.Marjorie Woollacott & Pim van Lommel - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Infinite Awareness pairs Woollacott’s research as a neuroscientist with her self-revelations about the her mind’s spiritual power. Between the scientific and spiritual worlds, she breaks open the definition of human consciousness to investigate the existence of a non-physical mind.
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  21.  29
    Spinoza: a collection of critical essays.Marjorie Grene - 1978 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    This is another volume in the Modern Studies in Philosophy, a series of anthologies under the general editorship of Prof. Amelie Oksenberg Rorty, which present contemporary interpretations and evaluations of the works of major philosophers. This volume, consisting of a collection of papers by an impressive gallery of scholars, offers a plurality of perspectives on Spinoza. Each interpretation conflicts with some other; yet each illuminates some aspect of the subject. All the papers reflect the "tensions" and "conflicts" which make for (...)
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  22.  25
    The Conway Letters: The Correspondence of Anne, Viscountess Conway, Henry More, and Their Friends, 1642-1684.Marjorie Hope Nicolson (ed.) - 1992 - Clarendon Press.
    A scholarly edition of letters by Anne, Viscountess Conway, Henry More, and their friends. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
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  23. God-Christ-Church: A Practical Guide to Process Theology.Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki - 1982
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    The psychophysiological model of meditation and altered states of consciousness: A critical review.Marjorie Schuman - 1980 - In J. M. Davidson & Richard J. Davidson, The Psychobiology of Consciousness. Plenum. pp. 333--378.
  25.  27
    Ethics and frontline nursing during COVID-19: A qualitative analysis.Dónal O’Mathúna, Julia Smith, Inga M. Zadvinskis, Cheryl Monturo, Marjorie M. Kelley, Sharon Tucker, Pamela S. Miller, Allison A. Norful, Cindy Zellefrow & Esther Chipps - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (6):803-821.
    Background Nurses experienced intense ethical and moral challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our 2020 qualitative parent study of frontline nurses’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic identified ethics as a cross-cutting theme with six subthemes: moral dilemmas, moral uncertainty, moral distress, moral injury, moral outrage, and moral courage. We re-analyzed ethics-related findings in light of refined definitions of ethics concepts. Research aim To analyze frontline U.S. nurses’ experiences of ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research design Qualitative analysis using a directed content (...)
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  26.  34
    A Response to Núñez et al.'s “What Happened to Cognitive Science?”.Marjorie McShane, Selmer Bringsjord, James Hendler, Sergei Nirenburg & Ron Sun - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):914-917.
    Núñez et al.'s (2019) negative assessment of the field of cognitive science derives from evaluation criteria that fail to reflect the true nature of the field. In reality, the field is thriving on both the research and educational fronts, and it shows great promise for the future.
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  27.  37
    Can there be a feminist logic?Marjorie Mass - 1999 - In Emanuela Bianchi, Is feminist philosophy philosophy? Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 190–201.
  28.  41
    Children's Explanations as a Window Into Their Intuitive Theories of the Social World.Marjorie Rhodes - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (8):1687-1697.
    Social categorization is an early emerging and robust component of social cognition, yet the role that social categories play in children's understanding of the social world has remained unclear. The present studies examined children's explanations of social behavior to provide a window into their intuitive theories of how social categories constrain human action. Children systematically referenced category memberships and social relationships as causal-explanatory factors for specific types of social interactions: harm among members of different categories more than harm among members (...)
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  29.  43
    Beliefs of a Christian Minister in light of contemporary science.Marjorie Hall Davis - 1987 - Zygon 22 (3):361-376.
    This paper states the author's understanding of the doctrines of the Christian faith in the light of her scientific background and her interpretation of current evolutionary, neuropsychologi–cal, and other scientific theories. It contains the actual ordination vows and her response to them, based upon an outline of questions suggested by the United Church of Christ.
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    A portrait of Aristotle.Marjorie Grene - 1963 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
    A key introduction to Aristotle, emphasizing the importance of his biological thinking to the study of his thought. Written for students and the general reader with little prior knowledge of Aristotle, this edition features a new preface by Professor Grene.
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    A note on the length of life of “men of distinction”.Marjory Atsatt - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (2):97.
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    A study in Alcidamas and his relation to contemporary sophistic.Marjorie Josephine Milne - 1924 - Bryn Mawr, Pa.,: [S.N.].
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    Should a Feminist Choose A Marriage-Like Relationship?Marjorie Weinzweig - 1986 - Hypatia 1 (2):139 - 160.
    Is "living together" in a marriage-like relationship compatible with the feminist ideal of individual self-development? Paradoxically, while the structure and social-historical context of marriage-like relationships seems in fundamental conflict with the goal of autonomous self-development, the development of individuality also seems to be better fostered by living with a significant other in a committed relationship than by living alone. This paradox is resolved through the suggestion of a three-stage account of self-development: inauthenticity, autonomous being oneself, and autonomous being with others. (...)
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    Cultivating a worldly repose: the contribution of Sally Gadow's work to interpretive inquiry.Marjorie McIntyre - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (2):111-120.
    This paper discusses the contribution that the work of Sally Gadow makes to understandings of interpretive inquiry and it's potential to inform and influence nursing practice, research, and education. The discussion draws on several of Gadow's published works that make explicit her understandings of what it means to be interpretive, to be open to multiple truths, to hear multiple voices, to have a history, to be experienced, and to recognize agency in language. Situating this discussion of Gadow's contribution in opposition (...)
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  35. Constructing a New Theory From Old Ideas and New Evidence.Marjorie Rhodes & Henry Wellman - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (3):592-604.
    A central tenet of constructivist models of conceptual development is that children's initial conceptual level constrains how they make sense of new evidence and thus whether exposure to evidence will prompt conceptual change. Yet little experimental evidence directly examines this claim for the case of sustained, fundamental conceptual achievements. The present study combined scaling and experimental microgenetic methods to examine the processes underlying conceptual change in the context of an important conceptual achievement of early childhood—the development of a representational theory (...)
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  36.  20
    A. O. Lovejoy As Teacher.Marjorie Nicolson - 1948 - Journal of the History of Ideas 9 (4):428.
  37.  12
    A Humument: A Treated Victorian Novel by Tom Phillips.Marjorie Perloff - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (2):312-313.
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    La dialyse à domicile : quelles motivations et quels retentissements sur le couple?Marjorie Roques & Nadine Proia-Lelouey - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 210 (4):111-122.
    La cohabitation avec la dialyse à domicile, ce lieu privé habituellement préservé de la maladie, invite à des questionnements sur la dynamique du couple au regard du nouveau rôle de soignant endossé par le conjoint et de celui de patient assigné au conjoint malade. Les auteurs, psychologues cliniciennes, interrogent ici les motivations conscientes et inconscientes qui conduisent à cette décision commune et leurs retentissements sur la dynamique du couple. Différentes configurations relationnelles observées dans notre clinique seront abordées. L’article, cas clinique (...)
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    Our knowledge of other minds: A pseudo-problem?Marjorie Weinzweig - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (September):250-255.
  40. Spoils of War: Women of Color, Cultures, and Revolutions.Chela Sandoval, Janet Afary, Berenice A. Carroll, Lewis R. Gordon, Joy A. James, Jacqueline M. Martinez, Shahrzad Mojab, Valérie Orlando, Marjorie Salvodon & T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Spoils of War, a diverse group of distinguished contributors suggest that acts of aggression resulting from the racism and sexism inherent in social institutions can be viewed as a sort of "war," experienced daily by women of color.
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    A conceptual index of Wittgenstein's on certainty.Marjorie Clay - 1979 - Philosophical Investigations 2 (3):61-65.
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    The person in psychology and Christianity: a faith-based critique of five theories of social development.Marjorie Lindner Gunnoe - 2022 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic.
    In this accessible integration of psychology and theology, Marjorie Lindner Gunnoe offers a comprehensive understanding of personhood from both perspectives, examining the intersection of biblical perspectives with established theories of social development as proposed by Erik Erikson, B. F. Skinner, Evoluntionary Psychology, and more.
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  43. To become a different person": Wittgenstein, Christianity, and the modernist ethos.Marjorie Perloff - 2017 - In Zumhagen-Yekplé Karen & LeMahieu Michael, Wittgenstein and Modernism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Moral issues in Kenya: a personal view.Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye - 1996 - Nairobi: Uzima Press.
    Redeeming the Time: Traditional and Contemporary Morality See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, ...
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    Interaction rituals and ‘social distancing’: New haptic trajectories and touching from a distance in the time of COVID-19.Marjorie H. Goodwin, Yumei Gan & Julia Katila - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (4):418-440.
    Previous research in the social sciences has shown that haptic interaction rituals are critical for maintaining social relationships. However, during the coronavirus pandemic, ‘social distancing’ was encouraged in order to avoid the spread of disease. Drawing on data from self-ethnography as well as publicly available resources, in this study we explore some new, locally negotiated haptic trajectories to accomplish interaction rituals in the time of coronavirus. First, we present self-ethnographic observations of distancing in face-to-face encounters from our everyday lives. Second, (...)
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  46.  22
    Survey of Mental Health Care Providers’ Perspectives on the Everyday Ethics of Medical-Aid-in-Dying for People with a Mental Illness.Marjorie Montreuil, Monique Séguin, Catherine Gros & Eric Racine - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (1):152-163.
    Context: In most jurisdictions where medical-aid-in-dying is available, this option is reserved for individuals suffering from incurable physical conditions. Currently, in Canada, people who have a mental illness are legally excluded from accessing MAiD. Methods: We developed a questionnaire for mental health care providers to better understand their perspectives related to ethical issues in relation to MAiD in the context of severe and persistent suffering caused by mental illness. We used a mixed-methods survey approach, using a concurrent embedded model with (...)
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  47. Toward a unity of knowledge.Marjorie Grene (ed.) - 1969 - New York,: International Universities Press.
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  48.  60
    A note on the philosophy of Heidegger.Marjorie Glicksman - 1938 - Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):93-104.
  49. I’m Number One! Does Narcissism Impair Ethical Judgment Even for the Highly Religious?Marjorie J. Cooper & Chris Pullig - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (1):167-176.
    Can an assessment of individuals’ narcissism help explain the quality of a respondent’s ethical judgment? How is the relationship between religiosity and ethical judgment moderated by the effects of narcissism? With a sample of 385 undergraduate business majors, this study uses a taxonomic approach to examine the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity as well as orthodox Christian beliefs on ethical judgment. Three distinct clusters were identified: Skeptics, Nominals, and Devouts. Surprisingly, of the three clusters, Nominals and Devouts were the (...)
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  50. Feminism and Pragmatism: On the Arrival of a “Ministry of Disturbance, A Regulated Source of Annoyance; A Destroyer of Routine; An Underminer of Complacency”.Marjorie C. Miller - 1992 - The Monist 75 (4):445-457.
    A philosophic tradition makes its mark through the growth and extension of the vocabulary it develops, the categories it articulates, the distinctions it illuminates, and the connections it draws. The power of a philosophical tradition is revealed in the recurrence of its problems and themes, the fecundity of its methods, the durability of its structures and insights. It may be that such power is shown not by generating academic approval and attention, but by a tradition's ability to reconstruct: through persistent (...)
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